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2020-04-24 07:58

姚日强,中国书法家协会会员、国家一级书法师、渭南师范学院特聘民间艺术专家。获中华人民共和国國家版权局颁发的“中华捻管书法第一人 姚体书法”、“姚氏捻管太极书法”证书。中华捻管太极书法创始人。2017年8月,被中文联恭聘为名誉顾问,特颁发“中文联名誉顾问金质证章”。2018年1月被中国文学艺术联合会授予“德艺双馨书画名家”称号;2018年被中文联授予“十大名家”称号。2020年1月,中国互联网联盟聘任为“艺术总监”一职。特邀为2020年全国两会书画界新闻代表。2017年5月文化部、中文联、中书协在人民大会堂举办全国书法大赛获一等奖。草书念奴娇《追思焦裕禄》(10米长卷)《马》被人民大会堂永久收藏。2017年,文化部、中文联、中书协向一带一路组委会推介,向全世界发行中国文化书画银币,全国90名书画家姚日强是唯一两枚。中企日报聘为“中企报道.艺术资本理事会副主席”。2019年8月,被中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会聘请为客座教授三年,这是有名的书画艺术专业委员会对他书法艺术才华的高度认可。新修长城竖有姚日强草书“千秋伟业”四个大字的石碑。多幅作品被国际友人收藏。这些成就表明姚日强有责任、有担当、有能力,将中国书法向前推进一步!

Yao Riqiang is a member of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, a national first-class calligrapher, and a special folk art expert from Weinan Normal University. He was awarded the certificate of "Yao Style Calligraphy, First Person of Chinese Twisting Calligraphy" and "Yao Style Twisting Taiji Calligraphy" by the State Copyright Bureau of the People's Republic of China. Founder of Chinese Twisting Taiji Calligraphy. In August 2017, he was employed as honorary consultant by the Chinese Federation, and was awarded the "Gold Medal of Honorary Consultant of the Chinese Federation". In January 2018, he was awarded the title of "famous calligrapher and calligrapher of both virtue and art" by the China Federation of literature and Art.: In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Top Ten Famous Masters" by the Chinese Federation. In January 2020, the China Internet Alliance was appointed as "Artistic Director". He is specially invited to be the press representative of the calligraphy and painting circles of the NPC and CPPCC in 2020. In May 2017, the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation and the Chinese Calligraphy Association won the first prize in the national calligraphy competition held in the Great Hall of the People. The cursive script Niannu Jiao's "Remembering Jiao Yulu" (a 10-meter long scroll) and "Horse" are permanently collected in the Great Hall of the People. In 2017, the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation and the Chinese Calligraphy Association recommended to the the belt and road initiative Organizing Committee to issue silver coins for Chinese cultural painting and calligraphy to the world. Yao Riqiang, 90 calligraphers and painters nationwide, was the only two. China Enterprise Daily was hired as "China Enterprise Report. Vice Chairman of Art Capital Council". In August 2019, he was invited as a visiting professor for three years by the national architecture institute of china Calligraphy and Painting Committee, which was highly recognized by the famous Calligraphy and Painting Committee. The newly built Great Wall has a stone tablet with four characters of Yao Riqiang's cursive script "Great Cause for the Future". Many works are collected by international friends. These achievements show Yao Riqiang has the responsibility, responsibility and ability to push forward Chinese calligraphy.


合气谐力自然法 捻管调锋玄妙功












著名书画评论家 石振华  2019年11月14日

Natural Method of Mixing Air and Harmonic Force to Twist Pipe and Adjust Front -Yao Riqiang, a famous calligrapher   Calligraphy is a kind of knowledge, but also a kind of practice. Therefore, to write calligraphy to an aesthetic and mysterious level, one needs to solve the problems of learning and spiritual and spiritual practice, just like the elder Yao Riqiang, a famous contemporary calligrapher. He has tai chi in his chest, which is the image of nature, mountains, rivers and dry kun. He regards knowledge and practice as the two-wheel drive for the inheritance and innovation of calligraphy culture, establishes calligraphy feats, and becomes a highly respected talent in the calligraphy field.   There is nothing in the world but cursive script. The elder has mountains and rivers in his chest. He reads everything well and his mind is full of knowledge. Therefore, he does not regard the old post as a powder book. He is most willing to learn from nature. Ancient Chinese calligraphy has its own method, not all of which is Tao. No matter the preface to Orchid Pavilion or the mid-autumn post, there is room for refinement. Therefore, he thinks that the ancient dharma posts, although extremely wonderful, should have the boldness of vision to be taken for granted. there is no future in copying books. only natural dharma can be used to write heaven's laws!   No knowledge, no practice, calligraphy is also called craftsman, craftsman reactive, is also called calligraphy learning failure. Predecessors have high knowledge and deep practice, while calligraphy has miraculous powers. The miraculous powers of calligraphy are the wonders of calligraphy. Looking at the wonders, one can know, however, that his calligraphy is a macro-level elaboration of his skills, aesthetic cultivation and artistic thoughts. It is all-encompassing and civilization is in harmony. This state is the proof that calligraphy has the Tao.   In the vast sea of books, success lies in success! The cursive script has a distinctive imposing manner characteristic of being exclusive to oneself. Buddha gave birth to lotus flowers in seven steps, pointing up to heaven and down to earth. He said, "I am the only one in the world! This is not the theory of crazy life, but the "I" of Buddha's cultivation is the pure I, the I without turbidity and corrosion, which is, of course, the god of heaven and earth. From this, it can be inferred that Yao Riqiang attached himself to the inscriptions of past dynasties and did not have the foolish heart of mechanical worship, but rather had the ambition of being the only one. The reason is that he is also a great sage with pure heart and no dust. He is promising but does not dispute. Therefore, pen and ink are like water, water conservancy is all things, and calligraphy is also beneficial. Calligraphy is harmonious and pleasing to the eye because of its water-loving character. It is soft and long-lasting. It embodies a mighty mind that demands nothing for money, possessions, fame and wealth.   He spared no effort in creating the moral image of contemporary calligraphy. Calligraphy of past dynasties, including contemporary calligraphy, is full of wise men, but the number of virtuous men is countless, and it is difficult to find one in 500 years. I swear to push forward the Chinese calligraphy art, and die instead of myself! Be responsible and capable! Predecessors show virtue by virtue, accumulate books by virtue, do not write the Jianghu style with bared teeth and claws, and write the positive energy of calligraphy by virtue. Great virtue and great talent are present today, and the arrangement of heaven for 500 years! Zhang Cao originated in Han Dynasty and matured in Jin Dynasty. He was completely invincible in his restoration at the peak. In contemporary calligraphy circles, one can combine hardness and softness in one hand, and the statutes are just like the great works of Zhang Cao. Apart from Yao Riqiang's predecessors, why can others be worthy of this achievement? Therefore, from the cultural perspective of calligraphy such as cultural taste, moral cultivation connotation and realm expression, Yao Ri-qiang Cao is writing the fair and square atmosphere of spiritual Long Mai.   Calligraphy, if it is only inherited and does not break through barriers, will easily fall into the shallow pit where books are copied and cannot reach new heights. Therefore, Yao Riqiang's predecessor's calligraphy is endowed with outstanding power and wisdom on the road of calligraphy innovation after he has achieved exquisite inheritance. There are unique innovations in four aspects: writing luck, injecting ink with great force, twisting the tube to adjust the front, and making the art of composition beautiful. Yao Riqiang is a strange man. He never folded paper in his writing. No matter how many words he wrote, the length, the short, the large and the small of the paper were just right. This was given to him by the old gods, and there was no such thing as ancient and modern, nor was it his own. This is really rare. It has become an outstanding talent with great achievements in the inheritance and innovation of contemporary calligraphy circles. If you wield your pen and ink, you will be able to help your talents. It will definitely be a mighty experience with a higher skill and a first-class achievement.   Ordinary people only know how to write calligraphy, not luck. The master writes calligraphy, and luck comes with the stroke! Predecessors hold their pens in their hands and move their qi through their veins. They can sense themselves and infuse them into the pen tube and then reach the tip of the pen. Therefore, when pressing and pressing the point, they all have qi flowing through them, and the essence and spirit of the human body will help them become the spirit of calligraphy. Calligraphy is in harmony with qi, and when there is qi, it is alive. Calligraphy has become the magic wind everywhere. Who has done this in the contemporary world of books?   When writing calligraphy, ordinary people know how to exert oneself, but how to exert oneself may not be known at first, but when one does, one occasionally knows that one's hands are strong, but one cannot mobilize one's whole body's strength. Therefore, when one writes a work, one is often too tired to use one's hands and wrists. Calligraphy is not enjoyment, but rather a waste of one's physical strength. Yao Riqiang writes calligraphy with "vitality". What is vitality? The whole body force also! The strength of the foot, the strength of the leg, the strength of the waist, the strength of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers ... After the whole body has been adjusted according to the heart, it can lose and lose, and it can inject, turning the body strength into the heart force and becoming the dynamic expressive force of Mo Yun! Let go and write your heart, and drive your heart with all your strength. Therefore, calligraphy creation can be written according to the steps of the horse, without any knowledge of fatigue and with ease. Who can write calligraphy with such concentration and concentration in the contemporary world of calligraphy? Only the elder and no one else.   The mystery of calligraphy lies in the ability to adjust the front. How to adjust the front, each has its own method, but it is not as good as Yao Riqiang's elder's wonderful method of twisting the tube! This method conforms to the laws of heaven and earth, with the hands holding the tube, the heart caressing the hair, while turning the pen to disperse the front, it quickly and skillfully adjusts the revolution direction of the wrist and the rotation direction of the fingertip twisting tube, and the hard adjustment in the two directions immediately adjusts the disharmonious state where the pen front is to disperse to the state where it is scattered and can gather together. In the state where the ink injection is flawless, it is still elegant and there is no passivity of rough head and random clothing. When we look at Mi Fei's calligraphy, although it has a sharp edge on eight sides, it is always because we have not yet developed the ultimate skill of twisting and gathering the sharp edges. Therefore, it is inevitable that defects and burrs will appear. Now, Yao Riqiang's calligraphy is vigorous and firm, easy and smooth, without any hindrance. This is the extreme skill of twisting the tube and adjusting the front. The achievement of this skill can be traced back to history. Since then, it has become famous and celebrated in the Spring and Autumn Period. Some writers are setting up biographies of great sages and virtues. A biography of 600,000 words is awaiting publication.   Natural method of combining air and harmonic force, twisting tube to adjust front and mysterious work. Senior calligraphers advocated "doing nothing and doing nothing" in calligraphy. In order to be deliberate and natural, he repeatedly experienced the beauty of Master Zhang's nature, and became the composition of nature in black and white without intention. Therefore, a cursive script, written in one word, is natural, written in two words, is natural, and written in one picture is heaven, Tao and nature, the actual situation is related, not exciting and not complete. It is just a wonder that there is nothing in the world but cursive script. Calligraphy creation has been promoted from deliberate work to natural work, letting go of the heart to write. The heart is free from any hindrance and goes straight into the beauty. It has always been the case with sages since ancient times.   Famous calligraphy and painting critic Zhen-hua Shi November 14, 2019














