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2020-04-23 16:10


陈兵,男,字悦水,杭州桐庐人。师承黄胄、范曾等。著名书画家、国家一级美术师,国画艺术硕士学位,中国首届国学功勋艺术家、中国館藏级艺术家丶国粹艺术家丶中国当代书画艺术专家、学者。中华文化名人堂,神州书画名人堂艺术顾问,中国书画研究院名誉院长、中国文化部、中国文化信息协会、中国文联出版社《世纪名画》、《共和国骄子》等特邀编委、中国国家文兿网终身艺术頋问, 国宾礼首創艺术家.国礼特供晝画家,中国《十大爱国爱军艺术家》评选活动评委、《民族国碎20名頂级兿術大师》副主编丶新华艺术网兿委会執行副主席、中国書画黄頁网首席兿術家、中华人民共和国日史委书画院理事、中国国际权威专家协会书画领域首届权威专家、中宣部大众文学白金理事会员、文化部数据库工程联谊会会员、受聘于法蘭西皇家畫院外籍院士丶RoyaI Academy of Arts Honorary Academician Visiting Professor(英国皇家美术学院终身荣誉院士丶客座教授) 丶瑞典皇家艺术学院外籍院士丶荣誉博士学位,世界文艺家联盟促进会金牌会员、中国民族文化研究终身艺术顾问、中国国学家等、 国际国内多家文化艺术组织机构成员。

Chen bing, male, word yue shui, Hangzhou Tonglu people. Learn from Huang Zhou, Fan Ceng, etc. Famous calligrapher and painter, national first-class artist, master's degree in traditional Chinese painting, China's first meritorious artist in traditional Chinese culture, Chinese collection artist, quintessence artist, Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy art expert and scholar. The Chinese Culture Hall of Fame, an art consultant to the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame, honorary president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Cultural Information Association, the China Federation of Literature and Art Publishing House's "Century Famous Paintings" and "The Pride of the Republic" and other specially invited editorial board members, China's National Literature and Art Network's Lifelong Art Committee, said that the State Guest Ceremony was the first artist. The State Ceremony was specially provided to daytime artists. The judges of China's "Top Ten Patriotic Army-loving Artists" selection activities, the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Top 20 Outstanding Artists of the Nation," the executive vice-chairman of the Xinhua Arts Network Committee, the chief artist of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Yellow Pages Network, the director of the Japan History Committee of the People's Republic of China's Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, the first authoritative expert in the field of calligraphy and painting of the China Association of International Authoritative Experts, the platinum member of the Popular Literature Committee of the Central Propaganda Department, the member of the Database Engineering Association of the Ministry of Culture Foreign academician of the royal French academy of painting, royal academy of arts honorary visiting professor, foreign academician of the royal Swedish academy of arts, honorary doctor degree, gold medal member of the world Federation of artists promotion association, lifelong art consultant of Chinese national culture research, Chinese sinologists, etc., and members of many international and domestic cultural and art organizations.




Chen bing's paintings are naive and quiet. The work is amazing at the peace and tranquility of nature, just like experiencing the cool breeze in summer, the silence in winter night, the deep and remote mountains, and the light and distant lakes. It is not only the beauty of nature in the painting that brings visual enjoyment, but also the harmonious artistic conception of nature in the painting that gives comfort to your soul and frees your soul from worldly bondage. Spirit is free in the artistic world it creates. His painting works are graceful and elegant, simple and meaningful, with concise and clever ink, describing broad and profound connotation, highlighting his in-depth and meticulous observation of life and profound grasp of the essence of things. He has a bright personality, a vivid expression, concise and smooth writing, standardized examination and correction of rules, meticulous and vivid depiction, and profound and meaningful implication. No matter whether it's a plot or a pen and ink rendering, it shows its skillful artistic skill, widespread and far-reaching. It has attracted extensive attention in the international and domestic painting and calligraphy circles. Its unique artistic style and rich and precious artistic practice provide a rare reference basis for the prosperity and development of China's traditional arts. (This passage is the comments of many experts in the national industry and the celebrity biography center of Cambridge University. It is exclusive and plagiarism must be investigated). His works are loved and favored by the public and even international friends. His works have been collected many times by national museums, embassies and national leaders. His works have been collected by calligraphy and painting collectors as far away as the United States, France, Austria, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, San Marino, Switzerland, and as close as Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland. The Organizing Committee of the China Collection Expo awarded him the honorary title of "Artist with the Most Collection Value in the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection Market".



 其部分作品:《水送山迎入富春》、《钟馗神威图》、《八仙庆寿》、《竹林七贤》、《山送水迎入富春》丶等等均被荣誉载入中国文化部、中国文联、中国书协、美协、《艺术中国》、《共和国骄子》、《世纪名画》、《中国艺术大家》、中国新闻社——《中华文化艺术名家名作世界传播录》、《中国书画家年鉴》、《中华书画名家》、《中华美术大师》、《一代书画大师。中华翰墨珍宝》、《海内外中国书画艺术当代名家集》、《中国艺术之巅》《盛世国艺》、徐悲鸿纪念馆《中国书画领军人物》、《陈兵国画作品集》、《中国艺魂.国家文艺名人陈兵专访特刊》、《中国艺魂.国家文艺名人陈兵专刊》、和国家《人民艺术家》报陈兵专刊;中国邮政发行《昭君出塞》邮票和共迎十八大《陈兵纪念珍藏邮册》、庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年<<圆梦中国》邮册、《辉煌65年》、《纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年》(限量版珍藏邮册);和由中华国礼出版社出版《一代方家》国礼级收藏册、九大艺术名家鉴赏,(陈兵、齐白石、张大千、刘大伟、沈鹏、苏士澍、铁凝、莫言),《领秀中华. 大羊乙未》2015官方贺岁年历(刘大为、沈鹏、雷正明、陈兵、黄永玉、文怀沙) 陈兵被选制作封面人物. 以中华国礼在56个国家发行;人民画报、世界知识画报《美术专辑》、北京大学《艺术主流》文化部核心期刊《文化月刊》丶《艺术大师三人行》【吴冠中丶范曾丶陈兵】三人集和入〖中国文艺界名人库〗;被国际、国家级媒体、文化艺术机构授予“中欧文化艺术特使”、“首届中国国学功勋艺术家”、“中华名人艺术形象大使”、“中国文化艺术领域权威专家”、“中国实力派书画名家”、“德艺双馨艺术家”、“世界华人杰出艺术家”,并获中华人民共和国文化部中国文化艺术政府奖最高奖项‘文华奖’【最佳创作奖】。“五个一”文化工程奖银奖、中国.迎上海世愽公益书画展活动中被共和国评为:‘金奖’,并授予:【共和国杰出书画艺术家最高荣誉成就奖】。单独接受新华社记者采访,后又接受中央电视台、中国教育电视台、香港凤凰卫视台采访、访谈,同时以《艺术人生》被央视拍摄成专题片向北京奥运献礼;在北京奥运期间向外国体育代表团播放。在全国人大会议中心举行的“中国书画非物质文化遗产大会”上,由中央电视台再一次向来自全国的代表播放其《艺术人生》专题片。后由中央电视台《印象中国》栏目以美术卷收藏版出版直投中央各部办局国企及各美术馆等。而后人民日报社人民新闻网、国家中新网、安徽新闻、中国国际新闻、水墨中国艺术家中国最权威艺术家门户网、国际经济网、国际凤凰网、等媒体在《名家风采》、《人民好书画》、《陈兵--人民喜爱的书画家》、《人民优秀艺术家》等栏目均有专题报道和介绍》、2017-2018新年特刊《艺术领军人物》的封面人物,2018年3月10日中央电视台新闻中心邀请参加在上海的新闻发布会。

Some of his works, such as "Water Sending Mountain to Welcome Rich Spring", "Zhong Kui Divine Power Map", "Eight Immortals Celebrating Life", "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest", "Water Sending Mountain to Welcome Rich Spring" and so on, have been honored in the Chinese Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literature and Art, China Book Association, United States Association, Art China, Pride of the Republic, Famous Paintings of the Century, Chinese Artists, China News Agency-"World Dissemination Record of Famous Painters and Artists of Chinese Culture", "Yearbook of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Chinese Art Masters" and "Generation of Calligraphers and Painters Masters". Treasure of Chinese calligraphy, Collection of Contemporary Famous Artists of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting at Home and Abroad, Top of Chinese Art, Art of Prosperity in China, Xu Beihong Memorial Hall's Leading Figures in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Collection of Chen Bing's Traditional Chinese Paintings, Special Interview with Chinese Art Soul, National Art Celebrity Chen Bing, Special Issue of Chinese Art Soul, National Art Celebrity Chen Bing, and Special Issue of National People's Artist Chen Bing. China Post issued "Zhao Jun Chusai" stamps and "Chen Bing Commemorative Collection of Postbooks" to welcome the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "Dream China" stamp book to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "Brilliant 65th Year" and the "Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War" (limited edition collection of Postbooks); And "A Generation of Fang Jia" state-level collection book published by China State Rites Publishing House, appreciation of nine famous artists (Chen Bing, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Liu Dawei, Shen Peng, Su Shizhu, Tie Ning, Mo Yan), Chen Bing selected to make cover figures for the 2015 official New Year Calendar (Liu Dawei, Shen Peng, Lei Zhengming, Chen Bing, Huang Yongyu, Wen Huaisha), which was issued in 56 countries with China State Rites. People's Pictorial, World Knowledge Pictorial "Art Album", Peking University's "Art Mainstream" and the Ministry of Culture's core periodicals "Culture Monthly" and "Art Masters' Tripod" [Wu Guanzhong, Fan Ceng and Chen Bing] are three-person collections and included in the "Celebrity Library of Chinese Literary and Art Circles"; It has been awarded by international and national media and cultural and artistic organizations as "Special Envoy of China-Europe Culture and Art", "First Merit Artist of Chinese National Studies", "Ambassador of Chinese Celebrity Art Image", "Authoritative Expert in Chinese Culture and Art Field", "Famous Artist of Chinese Powerful School Painting and Calligraphy", "Artists with Virtue and Arts and Outstanding Artists of Chinese in the World", and has won the highest award of the Chinese Culture and Art Government Award of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China "Wenhua Award" and "Best Creation Award". "Five Ones" Cultural Engineering Award Silver Award, China. Welcome Shanghai Shi Yin Public Welfare Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition was awarded the "Gold Award" by the Republic, and was awarded the "Highest Honor Achievement Award for Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Artists of the Republic". He was interviewed separately by Xinhua News Agency reporters, then by CCTV, China Education Television and Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite Television. At the same time, he made a special feature film of "Art Life" by CCTV and presented it to the Beijing Olympics. It was broadcast to foreign sports delegations during the Beijing Olympics. At the "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Conference" held at the National People's Congress Convention Center, CCTV once again broadcast its "Artistic Life" feature film to delegates from all over the country. After that, the "Impression of China" column of CCTV was published as a collection of art volumes and directly sent to state-owned enterprises and art galleries run by central ministries. Later, the People's Daily's People's News Network, China News Network, Anhui News, China International News, Ink and Wash Chinese Artists, China's Most Authoritative Artist Portal Network, International Economic Network, International Phoenix Network and other media reported and introduced special topics in "Famous Artists", "People's Good Calligraphy and Painting", "Chen Bing-People's Favourite Calligraphers and Painters", "People's Excellent Artists" and other columns, as well as the cover characters of the 2017-2018 New Year Special Issue "Art Leaders". On March 10, 2018, CCTV News Center invited participants to a press conference in Shanghai.



作品多次参加国际、全国大展,纪念毛泽东诞辰100周年110周年全国北京军博馆书画展, 文化部特邀全国名家四川射洪精品展,受香港特邀香港—北京—新加坡联展,中法文化年应法国邀请赴欧洲考察访问,并在法国巴黎卢浮宫艺术展;意大利、徳国慕尼黒和奥地利的维也纳等国进行书画精品展,由美国组织的首届纽约、洛杉矶等城市巡回特邀展,国家文化部批准由中国文联、中国美协、中国书协共同举办的海峡两岸四地,中华书画名家作品全国城市巡回展,百年盛典—中国书画艺术高峰论坛、中国电影百年书画展,文化部丶商务部特邀山东寿光全国书画展和第28届世界遗产杯大展等等。

His works have participated in many international and national exhibitions to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth. The National Beijing Military Museum's calligraphy and painting exhibition has been specially invited by the Ministry of Culture to the national famous Sichuan Shehong Art Exhibition. He has also been invited by Hong Kong to participate in the Hong Kong-Beijing-Singapore joint exhibition. The Sino-French Cultural Year has been invited by France to visit Europe and to hold an art exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Italy, Germany, Munich, Austria, Vienna and other countries hold fine art exhibitions of calligraphy and painting. The first touring special exhibition organized by the United States was held in cities such as new york and Los Angeles. The State Ministry of Culture approved the four places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait jointly organized by the China Federation of Literature and Art, the China Federation of the United States and the China Federation of Calligraphy and Painting. The national touring exhibition of famous works of Chinese calligraphy and painting was held in cities across the Taiwan Strait. The centennial grand ceremony-the China Calligraphy and Painting Summit Forum, the China Film Centennial Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Commerce specially invited Shandong Shouguang National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition and the 28th World Heritage His painting achievements have been recorded in more than 60 ancient books such as "The Sea of World Figures", "The Record of World Famous Persons", "A Generation of Chinese Fang Jia", "Chinese Collection-level Artists", "The Chinese Celebrity Ceremony", "The Sea of Chinese Experts and Celebrities", "The Chinese Celebrity Family", "The Ceremony of Lifelong Achievement of Outstanding Experts in the Republic" and "The Pride of the People-Witness to Mainstream Chinese Figures" compiled and published by the Japanese History Committee of the People's Republic of China and "The Most Lovely Person of the Present Age".
























