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2020-04-14 09:52


Zhang Yunguo, who was born in 1953, was a former deputy director (deputy director) of Harbin Second Retired Cadre Rest Institute of Heilongjiang Military Region. He has been engaged in cultural propaganda work in the army. Currently, he is a member of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Corporate Culture, a member of the New Art Group Calligraphers and Painters Working Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese National Painters Association, a senior artist of the Chinese National Painting Institute, honorary president of Beijing Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute, a member of Harbin Artists Association, and a creative researcher of Harbin Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute. Consultancy of Contemporary Universal Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Vice Chairman of the Council of national architecture institute of china Calligraphy and Painting Art Panel.



In 1985, Zhang Yunguo took part in the Chinese painting class of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hanfu University and studied intensively and systematically for three years. He copied the works of Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Chen Shaomei and other masters one after another. He drew nourishment from their works, passed on their excellent basic techniques of Chinese painting, and experienced writing, feeling, ink, and interest in chapping, rubbing, spotting, and dyeing. He found endless spiritual thoughts in natural landscapes. Among many painting subjects, he only took a keen interest in flower-and-bird painting. His special love for chicken and peony also bears his gratitude to Do not forget your initiative mind.



Zhang Yunguo's chicken should be unique in the traditional Chinese painting world where "masters" and "kings" abound. Some critics even compare his chicken with Qi Baishi's shrimp, Xu Beihong's horse, Huang Zhou's donkey and Tang Hai's fox. "I dare not say that. I am a farmer." As a result, the nickname "chicken farmer" was born in his serious humor. Chicken farmers don't raise chickens. Chicken farmers only draw chickens. The chickens drawn by chicken farmers make you see at a glance that they are pure green small stupid chickens grazing in the vast fields in the countryside. They are lively and peaceful.  



"Chicken" and "Ji" can be homophonic, implying good fortune. Peony is also a symbol of wealth, so I like to draw chicken and peony with the meaning of wealth and good fortune. "Mr Zhang said. Zhang Yunguo is a strict person. In order to paint peony well, he went to Heze and Luoyang to watch peony flowers. He studied carefully from the root, stem, leaf, top to flower core, from appearance to skin texture, and continuously expressed his intention. Therefore, the peony in his works is bright, beautiful and generous, brilliant but not vulgar. In addition to peony, Mr. Zhang also likes to draw chickens, which is full of his deep gratitude complex. He is full of respect for the poultry emotion of chicken. He said: "The ancient Chinese prose says that chickens have" five virtues ".They are Wen, Wu, Yong, Ren and Xin. Wen Youwu is brave, unselfish and trustworthy. These are all very valuable virtues, so I respect them very much. " The cock in his works is full of body, beautiful in color, bright in eyes, with straight neck, plumage and red crown, which outline the spiritual meaning of the cock. The vivid image is lifelike. Whether in front of a wooden fence or beside a haystack, with peony or under wisteria, there always seems to be a story in Zhang Yunguo's composition and pen and ink. In the picture, the cock or gazes at the grass insect, or walks along, or leans on leaves to admire flowers, or talks lightly. He paints the chicken so vividly, not so much in his creation as in his heart Let the viewer instantly immerse himself in a kind of plain and sweet artistic conception, and unconsciously smile at the painting, the author and himself.


张云国作品曾多次参加军内外展出并获奖。作品《锦绣前程》获黑龙江省公安厅,省美协第二届“卫士之光”作品展优秀奖;《志在千里》在1998年新时期文化艺术创作研讨会上获二等奖;多幅作品已被国内外友人收藏,其中两幅作品先后被日本兵法研究专家服部千村先生、马来西亚兵法研究会会长吕罗拔先生收藏。2006年 《中俄老兵北京艺术节》展出的国画作品被俄罗斯驻华大使馆收藏。15幅作品被选入《当代中华文化名家专题邮票工程》。此套邮票已被国家博物馆、中国邮票博物馆等国家级机构收藏,并已被联合国儿童基金会、德国、日本、韩国、利比亚、安曼等10余个国家驻华使馆收藏,同时中国集邮总公司还为此发行了加盖天安门邮戳的《当代中华文化名家专题邮票工程》纪念封、邮折全国发行。辞条辑入《中国当 代艺术家名人大辞典》《中国当代艺术界名人录》《中国专家大辞典》,《二十一世纪人才库》,《华夏英杰》等辞书。2007年被《今日水墨》第五期推荐为当代实力派画家,并出版了《张云国花鸟画专集》2008年一月被香港《阳光卫视》特别节目做了特邀艺术专访。 2009年被人民美术出版社收录《感动中国-共和国功勋艺术家中国艺术名家三十人集》,2009年12月参加俄罗斯国家美术馆艺术交流作 品《雄风图》被美术馆收藏,同期作品《鹰》被美国驻俄特使收藏,2010年2月在正阳门被授予开拓者-创新艺术家称号。2019年受邀中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会入编《奋进新时代—新文艺群体书画家名人录集》,并在《中国书画家报》2020年首刊新春大拜年栏目刊载,其作品深受广大人民的喜爱,报刊多次被社会各界人士转载,点击率榜首新高!

Zhang Yunguo's works have been exhibited many times inside and outside the army and won prizes. The work "Splendid Future" won the Excellent Award of Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Bureau and the Second "Guardian Light" Exhibition of the Provincial Association of the United States. "Aim at a Thousand Miles" won the second prize at the 1998 New Era Cultural and Artistic Creation Seminar. Many works have been collected by friends at home and abroad, two of which have been successively collected by Mr. Chimura Hattori, an expert in Japanese art of war research, and Mr. Lu Luoba, president of Malaysia's Art of War Research Association. The traditional Chinese painting works exhibited in 2006 "Beijing Art Festival for Veterans of China and Russia" were collected by the Russian Embassy in China. Fifteen works were selected into the "Contemporary Chinese Cultural Masters Special Stamps Project". This set of stamps has been collected by national institutions such as the National Museum and the China Stamp Museum, and has been collected by embassies of more than 10 countries in China such as UNICEF, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Libya and Amman. Meanwhile, china national philatelic corporation has also issued a commemorative cover of "Special Stamps Project for Contemporary Chinese Cultural Masters" stamped with Tiananmen Square postmark, and issued a nationwide postage stamp. The articles are compiled into dictionaries such as "Dictionary of Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists", "Record of Famous Chinese Contemporary Art Circles", "Dictionary of Chinese Experts", "Talent Pool for the 21st Century" and "Heroes of China". In 2007, he was recommended as a contemporary powerful painter by the fifth issue of "Ink and Wash Today" and published "Zhang Yunguo's Special Collection of Flower and Bird Paintings". In January 2008, he was specially invited to do an art interview by Hong Kong's "Sunshine Satellite TV" special program. In 2009, it was collected by the People's Fine Arts Publishing House as "Moved China-A Collection of 30 Famous Chinese Artists of the Republic Meritorious Artists". In December 2009, it participated in the art exchange of the Russian National Art Museum, and its work "Hero Map" was collected by the Art Museum. Meanwhile, its work "Eagle" was collected by the special envoy of the United States in Russia. In February 2010, it was awarded the title of Pioneer-Innovative Artist in Zhengyang Gate. In 2019, he was invited by the New Art Group Calligraphers and Painters Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association to compile "Endeavour New Era-Collection of Famous Calligraphers and Painters of New Art Groups" and publish it in the column of "Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Newspaper" in 2020. His works are deeply loved by the general public, and the newspaper has been reprinted by people from all walks of life for many times with the highest hit rate.



Teacher Zhang Yunguo has always shown the world's most beautiful things to the public through a paintbrush. Many of his works have become excellent works that have been handed down by word of mouth and are well-known. At the same time of being highly praised by all circles of the society, the leaders also highly praised him. He is one of the favorite calligraphers and painters of collectors, and a true artist with both moral and artistic merit.










