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“文明的互动与融合——东西方陶艺对话展” 中国、美国、法国、日本著名陶艺家代表作4月9日亮相中国美术馆

2015-04-09 11:19

由中国艺术研究院主办的“文明的互动与融合——东西方陶艺对话展”将于4月9日在中国美术馆拉开序幕。4月8日,全国政协委员、中国艺术研究院艺术创作院院长、教授、博士生导师、享受国务院特殊津贴专家、中国著名陶瓷艺术家朱乐耕(右二),美国阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆馆长、阿尔弗雷德大学陶艺系教授、原国际陶艺协会副会长温·海格比(左二),国际陶艺协会主席、瑞士沃韦应用艺术学院陶艺系主任、教授雅克·考夫曼(法国籍)(左一),日本京都造型艺术大学教授清水六兵卫八代(日本有名的陶艺家族清水六兵卫第八代传人)(右一)四位陶艺家在中国美术馆布展现场(中新社发  王保胜 摄)

(中新社发  王保胜 摄)

    Zhu Legeng, graduated from Art Department of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, obtained the master's degree. Present he is the president of Art Creation Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts, Professor, and doctoral supervisor, special allowances Outstanding contribution expert, and enjoys the special subsidy of the State Council, National master of Ceramics in China, Member of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Vice-Chairman of China Arts And Crafts Association (CACA). His works have been exhibited in numerous domestics and international ceramic art exhibitions with many successes. More than 40 works have gained prizes. In 2012, he received' Xin Chuan' prize for inheritor of Chinese intangible heritage cultural. In 2013, he received 'Yi Wen' prize.
    He once participated in Sino-US Forum, Sino-Korea Forum, Asia Forum, etc, where he expressed his attention to social development and contemporary city development space as an artist. Therefore, Zhu Legeng is not only a contemporary ceramic artist, but also a thinker with humanistic care.

朱乐耕布展他的作品《中国牛 China Cows》(中新社发  王保胜 摄)


朱乐耕作品《中国牛 China Cows》(中新社发  王保胜 摄)

 朱乐耕作品《天水之镜像 Heaven Water Mirror》(中新社发  王保胜 摄)

朱乐耕作品《生命之绽放 Bloom of Life》(中新社发  王保胜 摄)


(中新社发  王保胜 摄)

    Wayne·Higby is a professor of Alfred University, where he has also served as curator and director of the Ceramic Art Museum. He is the former vice chairman of International Academy of Ceramics (IAC). He was given Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Creation at State University of New York in 2014, the Distinguished Educator Award at James Renwick Alliance in 2002, Award for Distinguished Performance at American Ceramic Society in 1998 and the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at State University of New York in 1993. From his experience, we can learn that he is a famous ceramic artist, a brilliant ceramic art educator, and an international organizer promoting development of contemporary ceramic art.
    He has taken facilitating amicable relations and dialogue between China and US as part mission of his lift. As director and the former vice chairman of International Academy of Ceramics (IAC), he has been utilizing this platform to tell the world what’s happening in China. Especially, he delivered a lecture titled “Unknown Filed-Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Arts-The Fourth Generation” in 2002 Conference in Athens, Greece, which enabled members of IAC to have the opportunity to learn the cutting-edge art after China opening to the western countries. Looking back, Sino-US Contemporary Ceramic “Dialogue” initiated by him has become a network for exchanging and self-motivation, including independent education exchange projects of West Virginia University, NSCAD, SUNY Cortland and Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Central Academy of Fine Arts, etc, which effectively boost the exchange and understanding of civilizations of the East and the West.


·黑格比作品《云结构:冬天 Cloud Construction:Winter》(中新社发  王保胜 摄)
